Ofsted Visit to Nordic
We are proud to share we received the status of “Significant Progress”.
How much progress have leaders and managers made in designing and delivering relevant adult learning provision that has a clearly defined purpose?
- Leaders make a significant contribution to national and regional strategic priorities.
- Leaders recruit highly skilled industry experts for management and teaching roles.
- Trainers are highly skilled experts who work closely with employers to understand and address industry skills needs.
How much progress have leaders and managers made to ensure that learners benefit from high quality adult education that prepares them well for their intended job role, career aim and/or personal goals?
- Leaders realise an ambitious intent to provide welding skills that enable learners to develop skills and knowledge for a career in engineering.
- Trainers plan topics effectively to enable learners to develop more complex welding skills over the duration of the course.
- Trainers place an important emphasis on promoting professional behaviours such as adhering to strict health and safety practice and good timekeeping.